Thursday, September 2, 2010

Life on Kent Island

For the most part, I feel like I'm in a dream, and I need to pinch myself to wake-up because it is so beautiful here. I love the rural feel of this place and being next to the water is soothing. Joshua and Paul are adapting well. Paul seems to be quite a talker as he is already imitating words as I speak to him, and Josh, more quiet, seems to enjoy observing his surroundings, and running science experiments with anything he can get his hands on. As for Chris, preparations for opening the store are going great. He has had some good hires, and is seeing continuous progress of the store. So much for which to be thankful.
One thing I found in myself is that while everything is wonderful, I  started thinking  that something bad must be on the way. A vague and silly fear, really, but, seriously, I was surprised to realize this little pestering thought, " Don't get so happy about everything. It will all end soon" has been lingering, and pestering me.  Once I realized it today,I decisivily pronounced it as a lie, and have since replaced it with gratitude to My Father who always lovingly provides what I need and desire in due season as He sees fits. It made be live the quote, "The only thing to fear is fear itself" It's true. Lies/fears can quietly debilitate you into forfeiting your dreams/goals for today. Knowing I'm in God's loving hands is the most encouraging truth. As one person put it, "Love God with all that you are, and then, do whatever you want!" God has gifted each and given desires for a reason, seek Him first ,and then run with how He fashioned you!